Cerimónia de graduação da 1ª turma de Educação do Carácter do Centro de Acolhimento Mamã Muxima
On November 27, 2022, YSP-Angola held the graduation ceremony of the 1st Character Education class at the Mamã Muxima Reception Center of the Catholic Church
As part of partnerships with Big Muxima and foster homes, YSP-Angola graduated 20 teenagers from the Character Education Training – Curriculum: the 4 types of love in the family. The sister responsible for the center thanked the initiative and asked YSP-Angola to take Character Education to other reception centers. The teenagers who graduated want to continue, and want to become YSP Teachers for Peace, Character Education trainers.
Ambassador José Carlos da Silva , founder of Big Muxima, a partner organization of YSP-Angola whose corporate purpose is foster homes, made an audio thanking YSP and encouraging the graduating girls.
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